The manufacturing of locks requires a number of quality management controls to avoid dimensional, internal, and surface defects. So we uses State-of-the-art equipment to be pro-active in our process controls. 
Vending Machine Lock Manufacturer is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004 registered. The elements of our Quality Management include:
  • Control Plan - specific to each part, identifying key product characteristics and the methods for their control.
  • Process Flowchart - defines the manufacturing process and controls throughout the product realization.
  • Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis - assures the prevention of defectives through the manufacturing process.
  • FAI (First Article Inspection) - A Full Dimensional Layout is performed to verify mold design and part print compliance in the pre-production phase.
  • First-Piece Inspection – at the start of each production run.
  • In Process Inspection - SPC: Variable and Attribute Control Charting during the production run.
  • Last Piece Inspection – at the end of each production run.
  • Final Audit - Random sampling of each part scheduled to ship for compliance of key characteristics.
  • 2 Coordinate-Measurement Machines - for full dimensional layout.
  • Calibrated instruments used throughout industry to verify key product characteristics.
Contact Vending Machine Lock Manufacturer today for more information on our quality management practices and how we improve the production process.