Is It Safe to Change Lock Cylinders? (Part Two)

The current lock cylinders can be classified into three types: A Class lock cylinders, B Class lock cylinders and Super B Class lock cylinders. Among these three types, Super B Class lock cylinders have better security performance than B Class lock cylinders, and B Class lock cylinders have better security performance than A Class lock cylinders. Generally speaking, the A Class and B Class lock cylinders are frequently used among people, and B Class lock cylinders are more often used. Now, Vending Machine Locks will introduce the method of distinguishing the B Class lock cylinders from other lock cylinders.

B Class lock cylinders adopt several anti-theft technologies combined with the special structure of pins, which have high security performance and are resistant to the technical opening. There are two precise pin tumbler mechanisms inside the lock, and only the two kinds of pins are simultaneously moved can the lock be locked automatically. As a result, with the special structure, the lock is seldom picked.

A Class lock cylinders: the keys are flat-plate or crescent shaped, and one side or both sides have a row of concave key slots or there are cross shaped keys with bumped key slots. 

B Class lock cylinders: the keys are flat-plate, and one side or both sides have two rows of concave key slots or cylindrical and dotty concave key holes.

Super B Class lock cylinders: the keys are flat-plate, and one side or both sides have two rows of concave and S-shaped key slots or the double snake-shaped key slots inside and outside.

Situations requiring to change your vending machine lock are listed below.

1. The keys are flat-plate, which indicates that the lock you have belongs to the A class and has low security. In such a case, the A class lock is supposed to be replaced by a new lock with higher security level.

2. The service lives of the vending machine locks are limited. The vending machine lock will be hard to be opened when it is out of the service life. For example, the vending machine lock might be jammed in the process of being opened.

3. The vending machine lock has ever been lubricated by edible oil or other lubricant. In this way, swarf will easily stick to the lock cylinder because of unsuitable grease. It is professional to lubricate the vending machine lock by graphite powder.

4. The vending machine lock needs to be replaced if there are some indications that the lock is stuck by objects like chewing gum or the lock is picked.